Okay, So I may have been told by a couple people that it's been too long since I've made an lj update. Let's fix that.
- I was finally hired on with the company I've been temping contracting for for the last year and a half. The transition was pretty smooth (I'm doing the same job I've been doing since March), and I'm quite happy with my new salary and benefits. It's very nice to have some stability.
- Just got back from
ashes_no2's wedding and my first trip to the North Eastern US. The wedding was fantastic, I liked the area a lot, and I'm mourning the lack of Wawas in this city.
- Health is what it is. I haven't exactly been great, but I now have a kick ass drug plan, so I can get the pricy medication that works and actually afford it. If my endocrinologist doesn't shoot me when I see her in a month, anyway.
- Expansion comes out soon... I'm trying to figure out if I'm excited or dreading it. I know I'll feel better when I sit down and spend some quality time with the EJ Healadin page - I'm just the type who's better at learning by doing, so trying to figure out how my performance is going to be affected by the class changes is giving me a headache. I think I've decided to just sit back and wait until they're actually implemented and then run the hell out of things until it's all second nature again.
(Yes, I realize that most of you reading that last point have no idea what I'm talking about, and those who do probably talk to me on a daily basis).
- Finally... I NEED ANOTHER VACATION!!! Not right now, necessarily, but I've got lots of vacation time next year, and I need to have something to look forward to. Anyone have any suggestions for fun things happening next year or interesting areas of the continent to see?(We'll keep it to North America, unless one of you suddenly decides that you also have this unexplained desire to trace your family's roots back to Norway)