'Ruffling' off a Sugary Carnival JSK!!

Jun 06, 2012 22:13

Tickets Left: 107

Proof 1 | Proof 2
Feedback:  http://eglfeedback.livejournal.com/1107880.html

Good day everyone. As some of you know, I will be raffling off this set for a local charity.

The Goods: 
The set includes:
1. Angelic Pretty Sugary Carnival Special Set JSK in sax 
2. Baby the Star Shines Bright Gloomy Bear knee high socks in white

Sizing for JSK: (These are amateur as I could not find the official ones)

Bust: ~ 80-90cm
Waist: ~68-78cm
Length: ~82 cm

The Donations:
Each ticket is 10 CAD. I will only be selling 120 tickets, hoping to raise over 1000$! Donations can be done directly through the charity. I will ask for a receipt from the website for proof of payment. Please pay in multiples of 10 so I may assign ticket numbers to you. Here is the general gist of the way this will work.

Step 1: 
Donate in 10$ intervals. When you donate, they will ask you for your full name. This is optional but I would prefer if you did enter a name as this helps me verify tickets and receipts. In addition all participants will have their name posted, as well as the amount they donated, onto the website for me to check.

Please note, the charity only takes VISA or Master Card. If you wish to participate and do not have either, message me and we can work something out.

Step 2: 
Comment on this post that you have donated.

Step 3:
Message me a copy of the receipt (you can ask for my email privately to forward me the receipt) as well as the following:
1. Your full name (must match the VISA or Master Card)
2. Your livejournal username
3. How many tickets you purchased

Step 4:
I will send you a number that corresponds to a ticket that you purchased (the more you buy the more numbers you get!). I will then compile all the ticket numbers, as well as the livejournal username of the individual that purchased it, into a pdf that will be updated every 3 days on this post. This insures everyone knows how many tickets are left and who bought what number for when the raffle happens.

You can also access it on my livejournal post. As a note, the raffle will end on July 13th.

Alright. Now then, if you're ready....

Click Me To Donate!

PS: Spread the Word! (: Help me reach my goal!

Participants (Updated June 10/12)

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