DEBATE (fuck yeah)

Jan 31, 2010 23:16

 Short version: It was bitchin'. Long version:

First, the events I did were foreign extemp speaking and public forum debate. I looooove FX so I was glad about the former. And I got to do public forum with my bro Chris, so that was a superbonus. Cos we WERE partners but he decided to go LD and shit. Yeah. Now we're partners again :3

My first question I drew for FX was about Putin. Aced it, like a bawsssssssss. Cos you know..I'm a Russophile. I know a lot about dem Russkies.

Second question was about the EU. Me and my fellow extemper Taylor decided that "the EU expanding its borders" could be put into terms as "the EU should found the Galactic federation" and all of a sudden we were talking about making agreements between Vulcans and Romulans in our rounds ;D

Then I talked about Southeast Asia it was boring the end of international extemp I got 7th place no awards for that |D;;

DEBATE. We extemped ALLLLL of our pro case, and we were Pro WAY more than con. Our con case was about guerilla warfare it was extremely badass. We went 2-2 so thats decent nearly broke to quarters but then got outranked on speakerpoints in last round.
-we came up with a new sex position: "the bearded lady"
-established levels of doucheyness
-played a shit ton of Magic the Gathering
-talked extensively about ggmilfs vs CP
-made Riddler jokes (OH THE WIN)
-after tournament all the COOL KIDS rounded themselves up into two cars and drove to the community center THIRTY MINUTES AWAY to have a Magic draft for an hour and a half.
-at least over 50 jokes about my Commiesm.
-raided a gas station and bought out their entire store supply of Peachie-O's

All in all: good weekend. GOOD. WEEKEND.

Join me next week for: DEBATE, OVERNIGHT!: Trip to St. Louis.

magic, i'm lame, debate, personal, public forum, nerdage, 4chan, lulz, communism, lolwut

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