Temporary Tattoos

Jul 25, 2004 08:07

Aaron and I went to the grocery store last night on the way home and we picked up four temporary tatoos from those little vending machine things... heckyes! Two panthers, one stupid one, and a Tiki one...weird but fun.

Yesterday rocked my socks. I worked for awhile, almost had to do a spinal because because because some child decided to do a standing backflip off the wall and almost hit his noggin on the side...Also, Alex and I sang nursery ryhmes at each other over the megaphones...heh long story.Then Aaron picked me up from the pool and we went swimming at O O Denny with SImon, Hannah, and two adorable little kids from church.

I drove the beamer. I scratched the hubcap. I got in trouble. Oops.


We saw Napoleon Dynamite... heckyes... I love that movie..hated it all the way through then realized and learned to appreciate it in all it's comic splendor.
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