While Reading the Paper..

Jul 15, 2004 19:46


Ahem...Yay, that it wasn't banned but here we go:(please don't be offended..if you are tell me)

"All Men Are Created Equal" . I don't honestly believe that this country has every truly upheld that notion.

If we were to ban same-sex marriages, a gay man or lesbian woman would be unequal to a straight man or woman because they would not have the right to be married. It would take away the right of marriage from a huge portion of the population of our country.

I think that some (NOT all..some) of the people who are against same-sex marriages, use their religious beliefs as a cover to explain their inability to accept the difference of the socially unaccepted lifestyles of homosexuals. In our society it is not "right" to be a homosexual, and so naturally it makes many people uncomfortable... Instead of admitting that however they use their religion and faith to say, "God says it's wrong therefore we will discriminate against you" Instead of, "My society says it's wrong and I am scared of your difference therefore I will discriminate against you".

There is that point though, I can understand why people use their religious beliefs to argue this point but I wish that people would start to admit that that is not the only reason they are arguing against this, they have to learn to admit that they are reacting to it on a social level as well.

Although, in my faith it is said that it is a sin to be homosexual.. I still believe that all men and women have equal rights as human beings in their country.

It seems odd however.. that I'm a christian and I'm arguing this point..Does that work, can I do that? I don't think I can without sounding hypocrytical...
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