Eurovision Semis 2 Post!

May 10, 2014 02:02

So, semis 2 seemed like a bit more of a slog. Hopefully the big 5 + Denmark will add some more interesting watching tomorrow~~

06 - Austria - So...their contestant is a lady with a beard. I'm just being descriptive, I don't know why this is. But the song is the slow Bond-theme type of song, and her song looks like it's on fire, so it's a pretty cool effect. And singer can sang!

01 - Malta - FIREWORKS?! FIREWORKS! :D And cute boys. (Singer and drummer.) SA didn't seem to like this much, but it's competant and not a ballad, which always nets extra points for me.

09 - Ireland - WTF, helium?! Also, already disappointed this is not Jedward. Singer looks like brocade Cleopatra on a stage of celtic knots. It's an okay song, and I like the stage show (utilikilt dancers!), and the instruments. Still want Jedward.

05 - Poland - Are we making a flag out of vaguely off key singing? ...we are slavic? I...what? Busty, washerwoman. Oh, now a busty butter churner. Legit like the instrumental interlude here. Note: it was in Polish. I really, really wouldn't have believed this was happening had I been drinking. It could still be an aftereffect from that shot of pure everclear I did last weekend.

14 - Slovenia - Well, making a flag out of books? IDK, but you can rock the hot librarian look, I guess. Singer is starting by miming the flute solo. HAY, SHOULDER PADS AND HIP PADS. Also, not in English at the beginning, so that's cool. That was okay, I guess?

04 - Georgia - All the wine is our flag! Why is there a guy wearing a parachute? So far, the only singer is the drummer...oh, here comes a very green singer lady who made fashion decisions based on Stevie Nicks. And I like their guitarist. Such Eurovision.

12 - Switzerland - Dominos~~ Why is there whistling? "I am the hunter, you are the prey," this is kinda creepy, dude. Also, you are totally unable to roar like a lion. do have me a bit with a violin solo, though? Not the fake one on stage, the actual one in the recording.

11 - FYR Macedonia (aka GODDAMMIT GREECE STOP BEING CUNTS, IT'S MACEDONIA) - Made her flag with ~vibrations~ from a cello. So, this is another mediocre poppy song. The singer is very mediocre, also, and there's some weirdo in a white hoodie flailing about.

15 - Romania - More fireworks in intro! This song kinda sucks. They do have a circular keyboard and some pyro on stage. Welp, I think I'm disappointed by this semi.

13 - Greece - ...these people are called FreakyFortune and RiskyKidd. Their performance is exactly as bad as one would expect, with those names. NO YOU CAN'T RAP, STOP IT. YOUR FLOW IS NOT FREE. Some asshole is on a trampline behind them...oh, now the singer/rapper are performing while bouncing. That sorta saves it. Sorta.

08 - Finland - Another day in Finland, cutting up some ice chunks. Reminds me of this winter. So, I see a band, I think a song might not be shit. Unfortunately, this song is shit. The singer's pretty horrid, he can't hit the high notes properly, and isn't all that good at English. ...I miss Lordi.

02 - Israel - Did Israel just put her flag in ice, or am I really confused? She's singing really low and I can't understand a word she's saying. I mean, I know that the whole song wasn't in English, but I'm pretty sure the first part was supposed to be in English. After the key change, I'm pretty sure she said she was skinning me. o_O

10 - Belarus - Hockey? Canada doesn't go to Eurovision!! ...this song is called "Cheesecake"?! Looks like Belarus just discovered boy bands. And spiked hair. That was bad.

07 - Lithuania - Is it time to be disappointed? Like her boots in the intro + UMBRELLA FLAG. CYBER TUTU! Not digging the song or the singing. Every once and awhile, it's like she stops singing to be able to properly pronounce her English. Lithuania continues its tradition of disappointing me--WHY ARE THERE HOLES IN YOUR TUTU FOR THE DANCER TO STICK HIS HANDS THROUGH? At least there's fog geysers?

03 - Norway - Time for a manly man to make a flag out of a window. Well, the last song that started with piano disappointed me. Oh godddd, why is this so boring? SO BORING. Also, occasionally SO FLAT.


Also, the mult-age dancing sequence was cute.

Final thoughts: I actually did a little bit better in liking acts that went through, but...Georgia was so entertaining compared to some of the snoooooozers. (Norway, I'm looking at you!)

All right, time to sleep so I can be all ready and have lunch and be peppy for the live finals!

music, eurovision

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