I was a little weirded out when STARLITECAREERS.com contacted me about a friend needing my job reference. A few clicks in the google fu, and oh my god!
check out the amount of scam recruiting companies! WOW, this is a huge recruiting scam that is national!
they get you to sign up for jobs, with your resume so they can target your likes and dislikes, and then get you to give other people as well.
Scary.. I have to snopes this....nope, nothing on there...
But I did find this website that is a great reference for all sorts of websites.....
http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/internetsolutionscorp.com/postid/?p=1200290 but still, with the economy the way it is, please research the companies and recruiting sites you are using. There are alot of people that are counting on people being desperate and asking what phone carrier you have, is really not an appropriate interview or preimiliary application question!