Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine,
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
I don't usually go for these thoughtful posts, but for some reason I feel like I need to post
this. I know most of you aren't religious, but please listen. It's a movement from a mass I sang in highschool. The first music that you hear is the call of a Muezzin, the Islamic call to prayer, traditional text as follows (I can't tell if the text is exactly the same, but the idea is still the same. It's a summation of the Islamic faith.):
Allahu Akbar God is the greatest
Ash-had an la ilaha illa llah I testify that there is no deity except for God
Ash-hadu anna Muħammadan rasulullah I testify that Muhammad is a Messenger of God
Hayya 'ala-salatt Make haste towards the prayer
Hayya 'ala 'l-falah Make haste towards success
Al-salatu khayru min an-nawm Prayer is better than sleep
Allah-u Akbar God is the greatest!
La ilaha illallah There is no deity except for God
On top of that, there's the Greek/Christian Kyrie.
Kyrie eleison Lord have mercy
Christe eleison Christ have mercy
Kyrie eleison Lord have mercy.
I think the combination of the two is... really powerful. I think it's just something that everyone needs to hear. Grant us mercy, for we do not know what we are doing. At least listen, and if you can't listen, think about what we're doing.