Do you read obituaries and feel jealous of the dead?

Jun 10, 2010 18:33

Have you ever thought you knew something, and then all of a sudden realized that everything you knew was probably wrong?

I realized that I've been snappish at people for things that I do myself. Maybe I just need to stop trying to help. I don't think I know as much as I think I do. Maybe my parents are right.

I just... it all hurts too much. I don't want to do this. I don't want to be That Person. I don't know if I want to be any person right now.

I know I need help, but at the moment, I think I need to know that there'll be something for me out the other end other than a nebulous 'life will be better'. I need Reasons. I've been told too long that I'm only as useful as I can be to others. I can't live with a nebulous 'life is worth living'. I need something. I need something tangible, and I haven't really gotten anything tangible in months.

Disappearing sounds better and better.

redeem this empty life, fear's my life

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