Dec 17, 2009 14:07
This entry is probably a long time coming, and in my opnion, way overdue. I know that I'm probably going to lose friends over this, but I don't really care. I think it's high time that I actually say what I feel.
I am sick and tired of people on the internet thinking that everyone and every service should cater to their every whim. There are people out there with different views, and people who have different opinions. Get the fuck over it. There are businesses out there who aren't going to do what you want them to. Get over it. No one -has- to have a holiday promotion, let alone one you like. No one -has- to cater to your idea of what gender or sex or the world is. People make desicions based on their worldviews, which are likely different than yours.
The internet is not your little playground where everything is perfect and everyone agrees with you. The internet is supposedly a reflection of the world, however, lately it's becoming a quite rude reflection. The internet is not a little liberal haven where everyone understands your views and supports you in everything. Likewise, the internet is not your pulpit where you can preach and get hearty 'amen's from everyone concerned.
The internet, like the world, is full of diverse peoples, all of different opinions and ideals. This does not mean that you, with your holier-than-thou opinions can sit behind the safety of your monitor and troll everything and everyone with different opinions. Try that in the real world, sometime. You might just meet the lovely little men in blue who have a lovely cell to show you. If you have an opinion, state it politely, and open it up to discussion.
Frankly, I'm more pissed off by people's assumptions than I am at the original cause of all this wank. Get over it, people. The internet might be really, really, great, but it's not your little playground. It's a reflection of the world, no more, no less.
justice screaming for solutions