I am so wankered right now.

Nov 01, 2007 01:11

Halloween = drunkenness = inability to type.

I haven't posted in October, and now it's Noevember, so I suppose that's that. My paid account expires in a few days, which should be fun because I don't intend to renew it. Christ knows which three icons I'm going to choose. I need to sort out a layout as well, because my old sheep one doesn't really fit anymore now that the sheep have become ghosts. It'll probably be something really lame because I don't have the time to sort it.

seasonal_spuffy on Friday! I can see it going horribly, horribly wrong. Hopefully between now and then I'll have time to fix the godawfulness of the Xander-perspective Spuffy reunion thing I have going, but it might take some time. There's always the mini-fic I have as extra, but it's not exactly anything particularly satisfying.

I think I'll go to bed now.

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