Thought I might as well log it here (mostly for easy access for myself).

Sep 21, 2006 20:34

It was my seasonal_spuffy day yesterday! Bit of a push to get everything done, but it is kind of a relief to know that I have the rest of the round to just sit back and enjoy everybody else's stuff.

Anyway, I did two things:

Wish You Were Here, which was something a little different. Bit of a long-winded summary: In Buffy's apartment there is a spare and somewhat dusty room. In that room there is an old and somewhat dusty bureau, that no one remembers buying. In that bureau there is an ugly and somewhat dusty diary for 1997, that no one rememberes buying, which no one really thinks about because it isn't all that important anyway. This diary doesn't close properly.


Brand New Day, which was my attempt to write something cheerful. Of course, it didn't quite turn out that way, but it isn't a massive angst fest, which I'm sure will be a relief. Summary: Solutions aren't always answers.

Now I need to think of something else to work on. I miss writing. :(


fic, general

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