Long time no see, oh journal of mine... The ballet of another couple of months' term is now nearly over, so I'm almost feeling in control of things again. As it is, I think I always find the adjustment to winter a difficult one, getting out of time the moment the clocks go back and then taking a few weeks to get used to waking up in the dark. I
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Alas, though, the draughts come in because this window in my living room is warped at the top - the bottom of everything is fine. (Too fine, in the case of the left hand sash in my bedroom, which was painted shut before I moved in and will not open even after months of wiggling and pulling.)
That's an annoying tease.
Stupid window. It's the one above the plants rather than the clutter display as well, so it would be much better if I could open that one. As it is, golden cuddly Wenlock and Sophie the owl and Tanzania giraffe have to risk life and limb every time the room needs airing.
Let's hope there isn't an errant gust of wind.
I tend to lie them flat so they're not at risk... Trabi and Coca-Cola truck and their other random friends have centres of gravity well below the window frame.
Then I hope you always remember.
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