Self-advertising, self-indulgence, self...

Apr 24, 2011 23:00

I've been putting off linking some fics I wrote for
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memes, fic

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Comments 12

bogwitch April 24 2011, 22:47:49 UTC
Self, self, self that's all it is with you.

I like this meme. I may try it tomorrow.


quinara April 24 2011, 22:55:26 UTC
What can I say? It's all about me... (I do feel like I should have picked a less self-indulgent category - but then every category I picked was self-indulgent! It was this or poems or random fandoms no one cares about.)

As Nike would say, Just Do It.


bogwitch April 24 2011, 23:01:25 UTC
Journalling is self, self, self by definition. :)

Maybe I'll do it before my icon re-org.


quinara April 24 2011, 23:13:11 UTC
True - though in some respects this feels like second-order self, self, self. But I love it really!

Sounds good. (And less tedious?)


bobthemole April 25 2011, 01:21:11 UTC
"Positive Exposure" blew my mind when I first read it, and I keep going back to it for some reason.

I think part of the reason (and I dont know how much sense this will make) is that I can't see where it came from - I can't see the seams and scaffolding. It's like the anti- id-fic. There's nothing in the story that I can point to and say, "THAT'S what gave Quin the idea to write this. THAT'S the idea that the rest of the story is written to support.

The world of celebrity gossip is so antithetical to the Buffyverse, but you've managed to world-build a crossover that works brilliantly. I struggled to understand it, but I felt so rewarded when I figured out how everything worked. (I think this is what you mean by not exposited enough, but I took that as a feature and not a bug :P)

Sorry if this made no sense. I flail over Positive Exposure every now and then, and I still don't know why.


quinara April 25 2011, 11:03:31 UTC
Oh, no, don't worry about making sense - this is too unexpectedly lovely to hear! Thanks for telling me and thanks for taking the time to work things out, if I can thank you for that. I always try to get enough clues/nuggets of explanation into every AU I write, but they tend to be a bit buried and I feel bad for assuming/hoping people are paying attention to everything that comes their way ( ... )


bobthemole April 25 2011, 13:53:28 UTC
I wonder if it feels like an anti-id fic because it really has been distorted from the original nugget of an idea.

That could be it! Reading your explanation is so much fun - like an archeological dig on the fic. And it's an object lesson on the value of revisions. The initial idea, while interesting, pales when compared to the final version and its character development.

One of my favorite ideas in the fic was that the Immortal feeds on and influences public opinion in a subtle supernatural way, and that a covert war is being waged on the pages of tabloids. If you ever revisit this concept either in the Buffyverse or original fic, I'll be first in line to read it.


quinara April 25 2011, 14:26:32 UTC
And it's an object lesson on the value of revisions.

Absolutely. It's the thing that's taught me, if I'm not 100% happy with a fic, then it's always best to let it sit around until it's matured into something good, rather than forcing it to be something. (Even though sometimes what happens is that the fic turns out to be absolutely fine as is - only without all the extra scenes I thought it would need but which I hadn't been bothered to write.)

And ooh... I'm never sure where to go with the Immortal thing (heh, yet another of the revisions had a whole ending sequence where it got resolved, but it was completely extraneous), but maybe one day! I like the idea as well; I just don't know what story belongs to it.


shapinglight April 25 2011, 09:51:41 UTC
Another fan of Positive Exposure here. I do love how deeply you think about your fics. Reading this was fascinating.


quinara April 25 2011, 11:07:17 UTC
Yay! And thanks. I do love experimenting with fic and creating strange situations. You should do the meme!


shapinglight April 25 2011, 12:06:22 UTC
I should, though I hardly feel like a fic writer these days.


quinara April 25 2011, 12:55:41 UTC
Pfft! If you have more than five fics, you count for the purposes of this.


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