Before I goes to sleep

Mar 22, 2011 00:20

stultiloquentia did a meme where people comment asking for a letter and then post their five favourite songs that start with it. I hassled her for a letter, so let's go!!

She gave me B, which isn't my most exciting letter, it seems, but still has some very good tracks!

Baptism by Crystal Castles
I can't remember if everyone knows I love Crystal Castles, or whether I just yammer about them in particular threads, but they're awesome. Dance music strained beyond comfort, Alice Glass screaming about things. This is possibly my favourite off their second album.

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Been a Son by Nirvana
I've only ever had the 'best of' CD of Nirvana, but I did love it for a couple of years, and this is a very good track off it. I like the way the lyrics escalate in the verses, and that weird note Kurt pulls on 'son'.

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Black Sands by Bonobo
This album (of the same name as the song) is a very recent purchase by me, but I'm loving it for being so soothing. Ambient music tends to fall into the droning-crap-where-not-enough-happens for me, but Bonobo and this track in particular has a great amount of drive and variation. Great for lounging around to.

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Bombsite Boy by The Adverts
I haven't actively sought to listen to the Adverts in a long time, but Crossing the Red Sea is a great album. A bit samey, but great. 'Well, I don't believe you have to be an idiot to get somewhere these days' is a lyric to live by (and which I pretty much did, listening to this on the way home from school for such a long time).

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Brand New Cadillac by The Clash
I feel like this is such an unappreciated song off London Calling... Not much to say about it, really, but it amuses me and is very danceable. :D (Amusement, I should explain, because it's almost like an antidote about all those songs I think shapinglight was once very articulate about, where the bloke singing explains to his becoming-ex-girlfriend that he's just too free a spirit or whatever to stay with her, so has to go off on his big driving adventure around America. I just imagine this woman going 'soz; see ya' and vrooming away, which amuses me.)

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