
Jan 24, 2006 11:34

Crops are always fun when you are a scrap booker. Not only is the company great but sometimes those hosting the crops whether a store or a friend take time out to make the day a special one for those attending.

I attended a crop a while back in someones home. It was amazing. Tracy had gone all out for our wee group with wonderful food (lasagna) and snacks (hot cheese dip yum!). Not to mention that everyone brought something to the crop, either eating-wise or scrapping-wise. What a great time.

This seems to be the norm for our wee group of Slice Girls. We all seem to want to bend over to share and devote ourselves to making sure that everyone has a great time. It is so very much appreciated by me. At various times our group members have brought paper, brads, tags, flowers and even whole kits for the rest of us. Everyone shares in these treats and it's something that gives the giver more pleasure almost than those who are on receiving end.

For some time I've watched on-line groups form. Having been a member of some of these groups, I've enjoyed belonging to a group of people who share a like-wise interest and will do anything to promote their hobby. I have a best friend as a result of one of those groups who I love dearly. We have never met. Yet, she is as much a part of my family as those who are actually my family. Many people don't understand how this can happen. I think you have to have an open heart first of all. You know, be willing to take that chance. Juls has been like a sister to me. There for the hard times and the good times. Willing to listen and share. The wires run both ways I'd like to think. I'd like to believe I've been there for her as well. I've promised myself that one day we'll meet. I look forward to it.

As a matter of fact I look forward to having Juls meet my Slice Girls. Maybe one day we'll just show up on her doorstep and whisk her away to a giant crop somewhere. She'd fit in wonderfully well with our gang of Art-teestas!

Back to the crop thing...

Like everything,you need to prepare yourself for a crop and at least have an idea of what you want to do when you go. It takes some time but helps to speed up the number of pages you can do.For instance, the one time I was fully prepared for a crop I managed to complete 6 pages. If I'm not prepared I'm lucky if I can get 2 or 3 done. So basically I need to be prepared for crops. Ha! Fat Chance! It all sounds really good but this is real life here. It almost never works for me. Preparation for me means I'm running around at the last minute shoving anything and everything into my crop bag and any other bag I can rig up to fit my stuff. And it's frustrating because I never want to "forget" a paper colour I might need or a sticker that had to be on that page or worst of all, an embellishment like a frame or ribbon! Holy Brads and Eyelets Scrapman!

Life is funny. I'm a prepared type of person. When the kids were young and we out on a visit? Aspirin? I've got it...Gravol?...You Bet! And of course being Miss Nursy I always had a lovely assortment of Band-Aids for the bumps and bruises plus a cold cloth to sooth that aching head. A little anal perhaps but it worked.

For some reason Scrap booking and I don't work that way. Why I will never know. Maybe it's just that my head is about to explode with all the ideas I have or that I'm just over extended in my real life as a wife, mom and part time office manager/book keeper. Maybe it's the freedom of choice in scrap booking that I don't have in my every day life. I'm not sure but for me prepared and scrap book just don't mix.

So I'm off to do more layouts. I'm taking the week to enjoy being home and do what I want. It didn't work out last week but well see. Maybe this week.

Now if I could just find that ribbon Thelma gave me....
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