Title: Aloe Vera Love
Character/Pairing: Mark Reynolds / Maddy Shannon
Word Count: 840
Rating: pg
Spoiler alert: none
Summary: After a long day standing watch on the gate all Mark wanted to do was pick up Maddy for their date and listen to her babble about the new plant life she had spent hours cataloging. It wasn’t his fault if he got a little
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Comments 4
Jake was obviously no match for Mark. But I wonder what Mark would do if a guy doesn't take the hint and is willing to risk his neck for Maddy? I would love to see how Mark will handle that!
Great job on these stories... can't wait for more jealous and possessive Mark and oblivious (to how attractive she is) Maddy. :)
"the one time he crushed a bean sprout by mistake he thought Maddy was going to use the right hook he taught her"
I think this was a highlight. I laughed and it was just so good. yepp.
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