Nov 05, 2007 21:04
so i'm dating my best friend because if she spends too much time around me it pisses me off. I love her, yeah, but she doesn't work the same way i do. She wasn't raised by the same people i was and she can't be my end all and be all. And the funny thing is i'm enough for her. She would settle for me and i will not settle for her. I want a man to love and respect me and i'm not letting go of that ever. So my house is voting on her living here and a large part of me wants them to say no. But what about her? is that for me to worry about? is it ok that i'm just going to try to take care of me now? Well we go to counseling in a week and a half and i'm going to say it. I'm going to say that we aren't life partners. I am my own person and i'm reserving that place for the father of my children... And yeah, ian pointed out that some man has to want me, but the thing is i believe i can make a relationship work without sacrificing me equality. So yeah. I can do this. And i love brittany, but i am half of this and she has to respect my space and my needs and my goals. So we will just see how badly i mess this up. But i do love myself, and i've tried so hard for her. And if we make it work great. and if we don't, she is a wonderful person who doesn't deserve to have had me abandon her. And it is not her fault, because how was she to know to be my other she had to be a boy. It's because my husband will be my best friend.