Helloooo Thaaaar, 2010!

Jan 29, 2010 02:30


You know that part in the New Moon movie where Bella sits in her room and the seasons just spin by her?






So, yah. That's what happened to me.

After a horrible, awful, mental and emotional terror of a last semester--a period of time that includes the absolute horror of either having invisible bugs eating me alive every single night or some kind of allergic reaction that I still haven't figured out what it was; not sleeping for days and sometimes weeks on end as a result; having to deal with the damage to my self-image that resulted from having the freakin' scars everywhere; getting threatened with firing from my job by managers who just keep on demanding more for less; having a complete breakdown in my writing ability and being unable (and I mean completely, absolutely incapable) of writing anything at all, not even an all-important research paper; and culminating in what was probably the closest I have ever come to having a for-real mental breakdown before the necessity that was Christmas break--

*deep breath*

I suppose you could say I'm back.

Christmas was my salvation. I swear, if I hadn't been able to go home for Christmas and be surrounded by the salve that was my family, I would probably have ended up curled up in a tiny ball in the middle of my kitchen floor, sobbing uncontrollably. Instead, I was able to go hang with my sisters and my brothers (and mourn the absence of the one brother who was stuck in Washington protecting his country this year), watched movies, played games, got visually hooked on Kingdom Hearts(Goofy!!! *luffs*), marathoned the last two seasons of ATLA (and got my sister to admit she saw the ZUTARA! RAWR), had deep, philosophical discussions with my middle brother, and just all around regain my sanity.

*deep breath*

And then I returned to find some remarkable news:

I . Am. Finally. Graduating.


The Mind. She Boggles.

I'm taking Literature and the Occult (fun class; lots of supernatural stories and the influences that inspired them), and Traditional English Grammar (another amazingly wonderful class; we're going back over the sentence diagram. *joygasm*) Yes, I'm serious. It's like a writer's version of heaven.

I bought an extra book when I shelled out the hard cash for all my textbooks this semester: The Forest for the Trees. Absolutely. Fabulous. Book. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for inspiration to write.

Best thing of all? I think I might be getting over the brick wall that has kept me stumped on my writing for the past few months. Seriously, after last semester, I was afraid I wouldn't write anything again. But then my sister read some of the original stuff I've been working on and got uber excited about it.

*tears up* My sister likes my writing.

OMG, OMG, OMG. The Mind. She doesn't just Boggle. She might just Explode.

So anyway. The past half a year in a nutshell:
Yes, Quill is alive. ^_^  But only just barely.

I hope and pray that everyone had as an exciting and eventful (if not quite as stressful) holiday season as I did. And I hope I didn't miss anything exciting in Internet land?

*deep breath in; deep breath out*

~Quill (de-feathered and rickety, but still hopping around on one battered leg)

break-down, school, family, holidays, rant

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