Bored now.

Aug 06, 2008 10:49

Strangest  dreams of late.  Woke while having a thunderstorm dream two nights ago at 3am and it was  ALREADY thunderstorming- thunder and wind...knowing full well I left the Jeep outside sans top.  So had to get up and put it in the garage.  Which is fine, price I pay for not putting it in the garage after they called for scattered showers overnight.  Just weird to wake up to it.  Darn subconscious.  Guess that means I won't have 6" of water in the bottom of the jeep. (which has happened on more than on occasion) This waking up happens when I am having a spider dream too.  I wake up and feel a spider on me and it really is there...ick.  Smash the bastard. ew.

People have been putting up their Comic Con pics and I am loving it.  Great memories even with the long lines.  I can't wait for Dragon Con.  It looks waaaaaaaaay more laid back.

Work is creeping around the corner.  bleck.  I have stacks of athletes medical forms to go through.  The were hiding them from me at work because they wouldn't fit in my mail box.  frak.  I always wondered why there were so few when I went in to pick them up every few days.  bummer. Football starts on the 13th.  Classes the 25th.  I don' t wanna go back to work. I like being a lazy bum and doing theatre all summer.

Hooked my sister on the Twilight series.  So she made me a deal -she would go buy the last one, read it and then ship it out to me.  I said sure.  Been so busy with Evita I probably couldn't enjoy it. She called this morning and was dropping it in the mail today!  YAY!  However I think I was just spoiled by someone's facebook away message.  Bummer.  I have been trying to be careful.  I was even doing some research on Wiki for a play I want to do and came across information pertaining to the last book!  Which hadn't been released, yet- I thought I was safe!!! So I quickly averted my eyes and now it has left me wondering how this play will fit in with the book.

Seeing lots of reviews and pictures for Hamlet at the RSC.  I cannot wait to go.  Still have to get my plane ticket but more concerned about trains out of London to Stratford.  Have to make sure I give myself enough time to get across town to the station. Talk about expensive trains!  Damn.  But the result will be worth it.

Still obsessed with Dr Horrible.
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