
Jul 24, 2010 17:18

I have read quite a bit online about the movie (after seeing it of course!) but here are a few of my houghts after seeing it twice....

The first time I saw it I thought half way through the film I had it all figured out. It was all a dream. Then I got to the end and was....ah OK I was right, or was I?  I couldn't remember Dom's totem ever falling before- upon second viewing it indeed fell twice when he tested it.

I believe it fell after the cut at the end as well.

What I did hold onto after both views was how did Dom and Saito wake up at the end? Did they shoot themselves? I thought it was implied when Saito picked up the gun but then it cut to them waking. But I thought you were not suppose to kill yourself in this dream? Everyone else woke up because of the kick right? Or because the timer ran out? (I can't remember for certain- The chart says time ran out ) But because they were in limbo did it make a difference?
Was it Dom's appearance that made Saito remember what he was suppose to do (make the call)? Then shoot? hmmmm.

The totem was a brilliant idea. But why would Dom use Mal's when each person is not suppose to touch another's? I wanted to know why the other characters chose what they did.

The actor in me wants to know if Nolan let the other actors choose their own? :)

Does each character put their own definition on the totem's parameters to denote it dream world or real world?
For Dom that it spins forever in dreams but then when it is spun in real life it falls...etc

When Mal put the totem into the safe in the dream world, was she saying she wanted to accept the dream world as real and never wanted to question that is wasn't real? I may have missed the explanation of this....

I love that each of the worlds has a different coloring to denote what level you are in. For me setting is usually enough but I always love when I see different color whether in grading of film or color of costume. Every color means something.

I love film soundtracks. I have hundreds- but Hans Zimmer is a favorite. Once again his music fits perfectly. It accompanies the film and whatever the action or feelings are occurring on screen. I am not jarred by it. It flows. It is non obtrusive.  As I listen now I can see images of the film in my brain-the turning corridor, the elevator descending etc. Another perfect example would be in Dark Knight and the screechy violin for the Joker. Many times a soundtrack will pull me out if it is bad. But this one is on repeat in my house. Love it.

Emotional resonance to characters
It was there but not so much for me. I don' t know if it was designed to be that kind of movie. Sure I had moments for Dom and Mal but for me this is a man who could not let go of his dead wife. Granted I feel he carried that guilt over with knowing he implanted an idea into her brain to get them out of their existence in the dream world.  But there had to have been something else wrong with her (is how I see it).
I don't know what.
Mal is one character I would love more info on.

So nice to see Tom Hardy back in form with Eames. His dry wit and humor was perfect for Eames. He made a potentially throw away character come to life. Many people didn't like him in Star Trek: Nemesis but I REALLY did. Granted the script wasn't up to snuff, but that is where I fell for him. I have not see his latest flick of Bronson but I liked him in RocknRolla. Those lips. Gods. I could....well...;)

Leo he is slowly growing on me as an actor. I have never really cared for him. I have never really believed him as a character.- aside from Gilbert Grape. He always seemed out of place. He is one of the last actors I would ever think of casting in anything. He never seems to fit. But I did believe he and Mal were together. When he held her after she was shot by Ariadne that was my moment. Dom was finally letting go. The crocodile tears in his eyes were a big reason too. But I got it.

Marion- I just hated her character of Mal (hello means evil! ha!) but I am suppose to. When an actor does that they have accomplished their mission and have done a good job. I have liked her in other things as well. I still need to see La Vie En Rose.

Poor Ellen got to be exposition girl. She was us. Which was fine. But when I think about her character she really wasn't all that necessary. Another character could have done her bits. Granted she talked the boys into doing a few things and designed the dream, but...I was hoping for more. YAY for playing with the big boys however!! Go girl!

It was very strange, no one seemed to laugh much in the theater.
There were some funny bits. Eames putting down Arthur for his gun selection. Arthur kissing Ariadne etc. There were a some humorous spots. Not gut busting but giggle worthy. People felt afraid to laugh. I experience this a lot in is Ok to laugh during a drama people! Feel free! you will not be burned at the stake.

Costuming. Lordy lord. If Leo and Joseph could just walk about in suits all the time it would be lovely. They were DAMN hot.

I still love the hallway fight as the room turns.  I love trying to figure out how the hell they did it. Where the camera was positioned. I did this more the second time in viewing it.
Still mind blowing for me is the ability to be able to think about, execute it and have it look the way it does. AMAZING! I hope there is something really cool on the DVD when it comes out. I geek out over shit like that!

That is all I can think of at the moment..

A nice bit of info about the movie including a GREAT bit of info on the 5 levels for who is who and when and where etc.

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