May 18, 2011 11:08
Dietary Changes
This past September, I fell off the vegetarianism bandwagon. I had cravings to try to eat some red meat and discovered my body could once again process it. I usually didn't go out of my way to eat meat, but generally if it were an option available to me and I was hungry, I would eat it. This past week, D and I both decided we needed to improve our diets, as we noticed that recently a lot of processed foods have been making their way back into our meals. We also just invested a few hundred dollars on a cold press juicing set up consisting of a single-auger juicer and a hydraulic cold press juicer. Together, they should get us the max amount of juice out of our produce. We've also got some plans for the leftover pulp, such as breads and crackers. We've received the hydraulic press and should have the other half of the set up by week's end. We also plan on incorporating as much raw foods into our diets as we can.
School Changes
My spring semester is over and I'm within sight of graduating with my degree (finally!) I'm now in the work-search mode and looking for anything remotely linked to environmental and/or non-profit work. The job market in Rhode Island is still depressed, but there are more and more postings popping up, it seems. I'll keep my eyes open. I've applied for a few positions but the responses so far have been "not enough experience" or "aren't you overqualified this this job?". Whatever. I'll keep on plugging away and I hope to land something soon. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but any organization would be lucky to have me on their staff. Sounds cocky, but if I truly believe in the mission of an agency, I will throw everything I have behind it.
There has been other things happening, which I will write about more soon. Right now, I've got to get ready to go to a conference in Providence on Complete Street building. This is the first half and the second half is next week.