Harmony (Dark is Rising, G, drabble)

Aug 27, 2004 21:05

Title: Harmony
Author: Aishuu
Words: 109
Notes: For the "Stanton Family" challenge at the darkisrising100 comm.

As Mary moves through the house, Paul imagines he hears the playful sound of a clarinet, sometimes soft but capable of jazz. James is the trumpet, loud and brassy, demanding attention as he points out that he needs new gloves. He longs for the baritone of Stephen’s calm, steady presence, but it is Robin’s rippling presence, much like the constant tattoo of a drum, which keeps him going. Max is more complex, but that suits the violin. The family symphony isn’t complete without Gwen, a sweet harp that balances the cacophony to comprise the nearly perfect orchestra.

It is only when he looks at Will that he hears silence.

the dark is rising, drabble, short, harmony

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