Title: The Grasp of Immortality
aishuuSeries: Gundam 00
Character: Lockon (v2)
Wordcount: 200 exact (double drabble)
Written for
31_Days's June 21 theme: We are all of us haunted and haunting.
Lyle Dylandy realizes the truth too late to save himself.
He casts aside his identity to take his twin's place in Celestial Being for his own reasons, but eventually Celestial Being starts to eat at him, and he loses his sense of identity. He is Lockon because the world needs the sniping Meister more than it needs the insignificant rebel Lyle was. The war continues, even though Neil has died, and Lockon Stratos remains at the forefront of the conflict.
In a way, all of the Meisters are like that, cast in roles that are far bigger than the humans that fill them. Will it be the same for them? If they fall, will someone else claim the name to continue the legend? Will there be another Tieria, another Setsuna, another Allelujah... another Lockon, until the time that war is forgotten?
Lyle is smart enough to know he's part of something greater than himself, but he's being devoured by the man he has to become. But he will not stop, because contributing to Lockon's existence is the most important thing he will ever do.
Neil is dead, and Lyle will be killed in his turn, but Lockon Stratos is immortal.