Mar 05, 2014 14:03
figuring out some stuff
- how does anyone write anything personally fulfilling in college this is impossible
- going home for the summer. really happy because i have missed Sweet Home Alabama (especially the weather oh my glob the weather), leery because of the following bullet
- going to be fashioning a makeshift "internship" for myself out of freelance work and maybe shadowing a lady from my home ward who runs a little publishing company with her husband, on top of another job because my goal is to go through my final semester of college without taking out another loan
- worrying about being home again for so long and if i'm going to go craycray being back in the house with House Rules and whether or not i'll be able to find another job, because i need $5000 for my last semester to go comfortably (can make do on less but it's my last semester and i wanna have some fun amirite) and idk about how this freelance thing is gonna work and just worry, worry, worry
- still, excited to be back amongst my People and my Climate and i'm determined to make it work, so we'll see!
quilly is just dead,
college life