Jun 16, 2012 16:05
So I’ve been thinking, as I edited that novel (okay, quick explanation: a dude in my church wrote a novel and got it published and I saw that it needed some editing work and volunteered and he agreed), that while I still want to edit in the future, I’m not sure I want to do it on the corporate level. This might also come from the fact that I'm working at my dad's workplace again this year and having to dress and act a certain way every day is grating on my nerves.
The book I worked on is an ebook, self-published, and I’ll tell you up front that it was pretty rough.
It got me thinking, really thinking, that something I want to do with my life after (maybe during) college besides writing freelance and noveling (why yes, I did just make up a verb) is set up a li’l website offering my editing services to people who want to self-publish but need an editor, whether for grammar or content or both. I’d charge for it, but nothing outrageous, no more than a dollar a page if I’m feeling miserly. I’d like to branch out from ebooks and even look over college papers or short stories for magazines before they’re submitted. Just be someone to offer a second opinion and a well-practiced reader’s and writer’s eye over anyone who wants one. It’ll probably not be a ton of money, but I didn’t go into the literary arts for money (besides, if I get a roommate or two, a cheap apartment, and a job that pays a little more than minimum wage, I’ll be good).
What do you guys think? Am I nuts for thinking this could be a good career path?
help help i can't find my brain,
i'mma ask a question...,
oh you sexyfine people you