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Sep 19, 2008 11:43

Hey! Just doing a very quick (it has to be) update for anyone who wants to know what is going on.

College life is finally starting to get to me. Thus far, as I know anyway, I am doing well in my classes. For psychology I have gotten A's on each quix/exam thus far, so I feel good about being able to do well in that class. This weekend is really going to be stressful for me though. No social life what-so-ever, I promised myself! I have an anatomy exam as well as another health exam, both of which are on Monday, and both of which I don't think I am as prepared for as I should be at this particular moment in time.

Not only do I have to finish reading chapters for one of those exams, as well as plain-out study for both, I have to continue doing research and find all of my sources for a research paper that is due in four weeks. I hope that by next weekend I will have started writing my rough draft -- otherwise I will fall dramatically behind! Luckily it doesn't have to be too long, but I do have to have  aminimum of 10 sources which kind of sucks, what with all of my other classes.

I'm also busy doing observations for an Intro. to Athletic Training course. I have been neglecting journaling for that, and should probably find some time to catch up. I can do that while watching a movie or TV this weekend though...so maybe I will do that!

There has also been some drama thus far, with an initial group of friends (two of which I had gone to high school with) and a guy who liked me but was pushing for something much too fast. I voiced my opinion, people got upset, and...well, I don't talk to them anymore! They all gave me the cold shoulder, so instead of trying to fix it I am moving on to better friends. There has also been a bit of discomfort in another group of friends of mine, and I am kind of the middle-man, so it is somewhat awkward. Hopefully that gets better soon, though.

I have been watching Bones regularly, of course. Love the new season. I'm still pissed about Zach from the season finale in the spring, though. I've also been watching the Twins as much as possible -- and am extremely disappointed in how they have been playing as of late! I hate a fitness class and anatomy study session last night during Supernatural, and will most Thursdays, so I was not able to watch the premier. However I saw it was already on iTunes so I will be downloading that tonight and watching it! Probably no partying this weekend, as I have far too much to do.

But I need to get off. I have to be in class in 10 minutes and am in the library currently. Maybe I'll update again soon. Who knows!

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