Jul 30, 2003 22:34
for some reason out of the blue a few days ago i decieded it would be a good idea to start running. now i do have some experience in running about hmm 12 years ago. oddly enough 12 years ago running cross country i hated it. sprinting 3 miles while twisting your ankles in holes and on tree roots isnt the best part. the best part is at the end your body revolts and 50% of the time if you pushed it hard enough you proceed to vomit.
so anyway since it was so much fun in retrospect i just up and decide to start running. perhaps i have forrest gumpism.
yes the first day i almost died getting around the block 6 days later i just did about 1.5 miles and was into a pace and could have gone at least another 1.5 miles. that said in the interest of being able to move any part of my body tomorrow i quit early.
i honestly dont know what the fuck has gotten in to me.