so i took some 4x5 pinholes today. with the darkroom not yet lighttight i went down to tray develop them now at 10:30pm so the yet to be darkroom would be dark enough.
:flashback to last weekend:
so im cooking the nicole some lunch, go to get a potato out of our pantry and upon bringing the bag of potatoes back into the kitchen, I see some movement in the bag. this of course AFTER ive had my hand all up in the bag. out flies some centipede, quite large maybe 2 inches long, very much hairy, white, and going about 90 mph. we trap it under a cup and well leave it there hoping the whole issue will somehow resolve itself.
our house in annapolis had bizarre bugs, camel crickets to be exact. one of the few bugs that jump at you when startled. we were quite glad to leave that issue behind. in fact we have had several talks about how nice it is to live without huge scary bugs. so we wrote off the guy in the potatoes as a fluke. "musta road into town with the potatoes." "what ever happened to that fella? (meanwhile hes still sitting under the cup in the kitchen)"."who knows, sure is nice to live here in bug free land"
:flash forward to tonight 10:30pm:
i go out into our garage (part of the basement) to get some fixer, flip on the light and see a streak of white light. whats this? holy shit another centipede? oh no this time its a bazillionpede! this fucker was about 4 or 5 inches long and like 2 inches wide. and twice as hairy as the first one. so i tried to scream like a little girl yet no sound would come out. i attempted plan two, pee my pants. alas empty bladder. so as i stand there in silence/shock/horror where does mr hairy scary scary run at light speed? where o where? right into my film changing bag. which i already have phobias of hidden bugs in when i insert my hands into it.
so never again can i change film. im just going to need to get a digital camera at this point.
nicole has found a photo of a tiny sized one of these.
click here for the baby photo