I almost made it a whole week without getting lost in the land of paperwork, but here I am. It's amazing how much better I feel about my job when I'm actually allowed to do my job. John even complemented me yesterday on my measuring skills (I was almost - there's that almost again - where I needed to be when drilling a hole up into a wall from the basement. I ended up on the wrong side of a ferring strip, but I was in the wall.) I think the complement was a little back-handed, though, letting me know how easy it is to put holes through a floor when there's no one watching it. Ah well, it put me in a good mood anyway (right up until the dental hygienist made me bleed).
My dream this morning featured Garnet, one of my mother's shelties that died before she did. In the dream, I knew that she should be very old, that I hadn't seen her since before Mother died, but not that she was supposed to be dead. After that part, the dream shifted to Grant Belton, someone I haven't seen or thought about in years. I spent my dressing time trying to remember his name (I think I got it right). The subconscious is truly a strange place.
Today is
thaneofross's last day as a medicine sub-intern. Now he gets five weeks to study for and take the boards. From barely seeing the man (and I did miss him), I'm going to get him 24-7. I think we're both going to go stir-crazy. I told him that he should do a tour of the coffee shops of Philadelphia, studying in a different one each day. It could be fun!