Welp my alarm didn't go off!!! yay!!

Jan 21, 2004 12:26

So I missed school today... no bigie... I just missed piano/voice. I can practice those at home.

Tho I did stay up longer than I should... I just wanted to get the work done cause I'm insane.

I'll work on that. Just because I want to do work, is no reason that I should sacrifice a good night's sleep on it.

Hmm in other news.... tonight I probably will haul my ass to the Toastmaster's Club... I'm going to work on my speech n stuff. I shake like a twig and I'm sure this will help that out alot.

Heck.. voice class helped that already.

On a positive note, at least I didn't have to spend any precious $$$ today ^_^ So that's a plus n stuff.

I had a weird dream last night...

It had Andy and Gabe in it..

Well it started off I was just online talking to people.. and they both come on and talk to me. Then for some reason we're all hanging out.

Then they get into their cars... and drive away with something of mine. I'm really pissed...

Then someone else in an unidentified black car swings by, and tells me to get in.. then we chase after them.

I haven't a clue who was in the car as I was too busy worrying about what they took from me.

We raced around for sometime.. then Andy flipped over (in his Olds..) but was ok thankfully. Tho he didn't have my trinket!! Bastard!!

Of course it had to be the one who drives crazily!!!

Out of a page of Bullit... we zip around downtown Seattle and chase after him @_@;; it was crazy, but the driver of my car rocked...and kept up and kept hitting his bumper. Eventually making him spin out.

He made a run for it, but I had weird gadgets.. so I fired one of them and it was a net. I run over and retrieve my trinket.

Which then it turns into Chococat.

- End dream @_@ -

Yeah.. that dream was on crack. I don't know anyone with a black car.. that I can think of off the top of my head... dark other colors yes, but not black.

Yay for crazy dreams?

-Squeek!eth of a screwed up dreamscape
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