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Re: <3 the name Geraint. <3. neotoma October 12 2005, 19:56:14 UTC
It's Family Over Fate, which I love. Partly for the intrasexuality, partly because Anakin can not shut up at all (he's much too honest and guileless, and it's just FUN.)

somebody who actually knows their shit because I'd entirely forgotten about the dorsal-ventral arrangement.

It's not your fault that I was trained as a zoologist and used to teach Human Anatomy to pre-nursing students.

Thar be fic in the re-naming those babies.

Oh yeah. Especially since 'Kenobi' means 'sword belt' and 'Qui-Gon' comes from 'qi gong' -- the Chinese philosophy of life energy manipulation.

Somehow I doubt that those are common names out in the general Republic population, nor are the other names that imply 'light' or 'power'.

I'm thinking that the Jedi give out names to most of their younglings that are in some archaic language that is the 'classic' language of the Republic -- names that mean specific Jedi-ish things. They might keep the surnames or not, but the given names go 'poof' for everyone who isn't from a powerful enough family to put conditions on their transferal to the Jedi Order.

Which leads into my theory that the Republic aristocracy can and does put conditions down when *their* children are given to the Order, rather like European nobility did when their children were sent to religious orders. No sense in letting the heir to a Countship forget who he was (which explains Dooku, and Xanatos in the EU). It's the commoners' children who get their identity wiped away.

And yes, the name 'Geraint' is pretty nifty. I really think Qui-Gon was named something else by his family, and the Jedi gave him that name because it fit better with their culture and yet sounded similar enough that a young child would learn to respond to it quickly. The same with Ben/Obi-Wan.


neotoma October 17 2005, 02:21:19 UTC
Regarding the renaming thing - I always thought it was the other way around, with people born into privilege having their names and possibly memories taken away. Especially since Dooku and Xanatos both appear to have only the single name that I can tell, which is fairly unique for human Jedi. With most aristocracy, there'd be at least a family name.

Another example is Whie Malreaux from Yoda: Dark Rendezvous - in the temple only his first name is used, and neither he nor his Master have any idea he's aristocracy until someone tells him.


neotoma October 17 2005, 14:13:03 UTC
Do you really think the Jedi would name people 'poison'(Dooku) and 'death'(Xanatos)?


neotoma October 17 2005, 16:02:48 UTC
All those earth-etymology meanings are very meta. In-universe, there's no indication that sort of thing is noticed. Does Lucas stick it in? Sure. And it shows things about their characters. But to the characters themselves it shouldn't mean anything at all.

Do you think Random Aristocratic Parents would be more likely to name their darlings poison or death?


neotoma October 17 2005, 16:15:55 UTC
Yeah, I do. I'd assumed that 'Dooku' was a surname or a regnal name. The Jedi names we have all meaning things, from 'sword belt' to 'poison' to 'life energy manipulation'.

And nobility have named themselves to imply formidableness for millenia.


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