Integrals and Indecision

May 08, 2003 11:56

All in all, this was a pretty good day. It started off with taking a 3+ hours Calculus AP that actually went really well, but felt like my brain was going through a blender. A cal teacher before it was wearing a shirt that had an integration sign then "Just DU it!". Wow, do teachers have good taste in clothing or what?!

After school Anya and I went out and our wandering led us in search for food. We were on Bellaire and wanted Chinese, but ended up being intrigued by the name "Yappa's Kitchen" and so we had to go check it out. Inside was a classy, upscale gourmet kitchen for rich people that wanted to give the impression that they cooked. For some reason the manager noticed us and was telling us their history, and started pretty much begging us to take free samples. Now I know what you're think, some quasi-disgusting leftovers, but no! the food was so fabulous. She ended up giving us 2 sandwhiches (one was enough to fill us both up), some salmon, and spicy chinese noodles. We also got to taste the Merlot. Of course we were ecstatic at our bounty of free, good food.

Next stop was the Village and we bummed and slummed around a bit and I succeeded in getting stuff, albeit not what I originally was looking for, at Half Priced Books. Back at my house we watched a cute movie But I'm a Cheerleader that was quite charming. After a bit of a trying time lately, I need more days like this.
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