Sep 17, 2003 03:27
Ok, so at about 2:20 I was happily conversing with Greg on the phone when one of the gals from my hall says that there is a gas leak in Complex (3 dorms) and that we all had to evacuate. For the next 45 minutes we were shuffled around to about 4 or 5 different quarantine locations. Yes, i usually go to bed around 4 or so, but at least then I have the CHOICE of when to go to bed. We are currently being held in the University Center. It was amusing to take note of the different talented positions that people can sleep in.
Complex started a game at midnight called Assassins. You are given a card with someone elses name and dorm room. You have to find that person, not in the dorm or class, and shoot them with a water gun, thus acquiring their target. At first when all of complex was herded outside, i figured it was one massive, elaborate hoax to get people outisde for Assassins. I really wouldn't put something like that past most of the guys on the 2nd floor...
Now I just realized that the guy next to me and I are looking at the same website; Homestarrunner. For those of you that aren't familiar, I would suggest going there, click cartoons, then features, strongbad emails, then dragon. It is very amusing.