I decided to do the Elizabeth fitness trail last Friday. I packed water, wore my cool exercise outfit with the skull and cross bones, styled my hair in a pony tail, and imagined myself jogging around the park. Too bad I wore flip flops and not tennis shoes. Smooth move Knight of Cups. I did do the fitness trail, barefoot.
idealizes love..........lacks self-restraint
emphasizes feelings..........is often jealous
concentrates on the poetry of life..........tends to be gushy and melodramatic
remembers special occasions..........blows hot and cold in affections
expresses sentiments beautifully..........brings flowers, but forgets to put gas in the car
can tap the fertile unconscious..........indulges in idle daydreams
looks beyond the obvious..........has big ideas that come to nothing
never takes the mundane path..........has an unrealistic approach
spins marvelous tales..........has an overactive imagination
is visionary..........can shade the truth
is aware of moods and feelings..........is prone to mood swings
helps others open up..........can be petulant and sulky
responds deeply to life..........gels melancholy and depressed
understands the pains of others..........broods excessively
is tactful and diplomatic..........takes offense easily
appreciates beauty in all forms..........leaves dirty work to others
seeks the finest..........can't face unpleasantness
creates a pleasing environment..........lacks robust good health
understands subtlety..........emphasizes style over substance
is suave and gracious..........gets overwhelmed by pressure
values the inner life..........focuses inward to excess
tries to understand why..........avoids active participation
questions motivations..........is driven to self-examination
seeks self-improvement..........exaggerates personal failings
sees below the surface..........can't relax around others