This year I've taken a lot of summer baths, normally a past time reserved for cold weather. I discovered a whole new aspect to bathing. Here is my personal favorite for after working in the garden or after a long hot summer day.
First, use cold or lukewarm water. Personally I like the soothing sound of running water during the bath, so I don't turn the water on full force nor to I fill up the tub and then get it. I would get everything together, turn on the water to a slow pour and add my ingredients: 10 drops of lemon oil, 1 cup of Epsom salt and fresh rose petals. Then I get in and enjoy the flow and fill. Afterwards, air dry.
Lemon oil is a febrifuge, cooling and reducing body temperature
Epsom salt acts as a natural muscle relaxer
Rose petals are a quintessential summer reminder which in a bath beautifies and renews the feminine spirit.
There’s not much summer time left, but I hope to make the following homemade mix of dried ingredients to keep bath side to scoop into a muslim bag and hang over the tap. I currently have marigold and roses in the garden to harvest and dry.
Summer Milk Bath
Powdered milk
dried orange peel
dried lemon peel
dried rose petals
dried marigold flowers
drizzle of sweet almond oil