Hogwarts meme! Yay!

Sep 08, 2006 18:36

What's Your Reputation at Hogwarts? (26 different characters)

Everyone's Friend:House: Gryffindor Best Friend(s): Hermione, Fred, George, Blaise, and Cedric.Gryffindors Harry: Thinks of you as a great friend and possibly more, but likes the energy the two of you have when you're joking around as friends. Ron: Gets jealous of Harry when you two are together because he's had quite the crush on you for a long while, and Harry knows it. He once tried to approach you about the Yule Ball, but got sick and vomitted all over himself. Hermione: Loves you like you were her own sister. You study together, do your hair together, and even stay in the same dorm. Oliver Wood: Misses the fun you had together in the library (no, nothing perverted.) and still visits you over holidays. Fred and George Weasley: Asked you to work as a third member at their shop because they love your sense of humor. Seamus Finnigan: Used to like you, but figured you'd be better off as friends after he talked with Ron. Neville Longbottom: Is nervous around you even though he doesn't like you as more than a friend. He once admitted to Harry that it was because of your natural beauty. Dean Thomas: Thinks that sometimes you can be too kind to people who don't deserve it. Ginny Weasley: Is slightly jealous of the chemistry you hold with Harry, but can't deny that she looks up to you. Parvati Patil: Has a picture of you in her bathroom so that she can look just like you. Padma Patil: Thinks her sister is stupid to be exactly like you, even though tries to shop at the same stores as you. Hufflepuffs Cedric Diggory: Is a close friend of yours and wouldn't be anything near where he is today (or isn't?) without you. Ravenclaws Cho Chang: Loves to go shopping with you at Hogsmeade. Slytherins Draco Malfoy: Has only talked to you once, but still thinks you're a kind person even if you are in Gryffindor and even if he pretends he doesn't. Crabbe: Doesn't really pay attention to you because he's always eating or sleeping.Goyle: Same as Crabbe. Pansy Parkinson: Does her make up like you so that she can look like you. Marcus Flint: Wishes his teeth weren't so jacked up so that he could have a better chance with you. Blaise Zabini: Sneaks out of his dorm at night to meet you in the library so you can talk without having any of his Slytherin friends interrupting. Teachers Dumbledore: Is extremely proud of how far you've come since first year and hopes that you'll keep it up. Professor McGonagall: Likes you a tad bit more than she does Hermione, which is saying something. Professor Flitwick: Could go on and on [and he did (I had to cut the interview short)] about you and your generosity. Professor Trelawney: Always predicts a bright future for you. Professor Snape: Isn't nice to you, but he isn't particularly cruel either. As much as he denies it, you are one of his brightest students. Filch: Is too busy taking care of his cat.
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Heh, yeah...that's about right.
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