Another meme!

Dec 29, 2005 22:16

Stolen from Jerrica

Your First Name: Zane
First Car: Never had one
First Screen Name: Fallen Angel (Hey, it wasn't an emo-kid cliche back then, and it had a whole lot more significance than "ooh, I'm angsty." Heh, I'm actually using it again for Quake 4.)
First Self Purchased Album: I don't remember
First Funeral: I don't remember. I've been to a couple.
First Pets: I've never had a pet, actually.
First Piercing/Tattoo: I never got one. Might do my ears some day.
First Credit Card: None yet.
First True Love: Ha, as if one cound have more than one true love. True love never dies, and can't be replaced. Mine is no secret. Katie, of course.
First Big Trip: Um...?
First Music You Remember Hearing in Your house: First? I don't remember.

Last Cigarette: Never.
Last Car Ride: To Costco with my mom a while ago.
Last Kiss: About two and a half months ago. If you need to ask who, you probably don't know me or her anyway.
Last Good Cry: Oh, jeeze, um...probably when I was reading Venus Envy.
Last Movie Seen: The Polar Express
Last Beverage Drank: Coke
Last Food Consumed: Cake
Last Crush: See "last kiss."
Last Phone Call: Um...?
Last Time Showered: This morning.
Last Shoes Worn: A pair of crappy sandals.
Last Item Bought: A two-liter each of coke and 7-Up
Last Annoyance: Annoyance? What's that? XD
Last Time Wanting to Die: Who's writing these questions?

01. Do you do drugs? I'm barely comfortable with Advil.
02. What kind of shampoo do you use? Herbal Essences Citrus lift (the tangerine one)
03. What are you most scared of? Seeing the people I care about get hurt.
04. What are you listening to right now? Blissful silence...and everything for miles around. This is why I love the dark hours.
05. Where do you want to get married? As if it matters where...
06. How many buddies are online right now? One.
07. What would you change about yourself? My sex. Although that's pretty complicated. Even if I could, it wouldn't really fix things. So it's no big deal, anyway.

01. Color: Pink. Yes, I said pink.
02. Food: Heh, favorite? Not likely. Chocolate, I suppose.
03. Boys' Names: Aiden, Ephraim, Lewellen, Tobrin, Zane (Hey, I like uncommon names. Can't realy list them all here, though.)
04. Girls' Names: Elwyn/Aelwen, Juliet, Kathleen, Nerys, Skye, Yuki (See above.)
05. Subjects in School: Pffft.
06. Animals: That's like asking a D&Der "what's the best class?"
07. Sports: Uh...?
08. Perfume: ...?
09. Cologne: ...?

Have You Ever?
01. Given anyone a bath? Uh...
02. Smoked? No.
03. Bungee Jumped? No.
04. Made yourself throw up? No.
05. Skinny dipped? No.
06: Ever been in love? Yes.
07. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? No.
08. Pictured your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend naked? Yes.
09. Actually seen your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend naked? Yes.
10. Cried when someone died? Actually, no.
11. Lied? Uh...well, yeah.
12. Fallen for your best friend? Nope.
13. Been rejected? Yeah.
14. Rejected someone? No.
15. Used someone? Hell no.
16. Done something you regret? No.

Clothes: Denim shorts and a Mario "Know your mushrooms" shirt.
Music: None, right now.
Smell: Nothing, really
Desktop Picture: The "all girls" photo at Grace's birthday party (EGS). Tedd and Elliot are wearing schoolgirl outfits! Hehehe
DVD in Player: Uh...none?

Last Person...
You Touched: My mom
Hugged: My mom
IMed: Katie
You Kissed: Katie

Are you...?
Understanding: Yes
Open Minded: Of course
Arrogant: Not really
Insecure: Nope
Interesting: Uh...sure!
Smart: Yeah
Moody: Hellz yes!
Hardworking: If it matters, indubitably so. Otherwise, hell no, are you kidding?!
Organized: Pfft. I don't often lose things, I'll say that...
Healthy: Yes, quite.
Shy: Not really, but I'm not usually in-your-face, either.
Attractive: Um, well, yeah...ehhehe...
Responsible: Yes
Obsessed: Nope.
Angry: No.
Sad: At times. I like to maintain a healthy variety of emotions. *lol*
Disappointed: WTF?
Happy: Yeah!
Hyper: Sometimes.
Trusting: Usually.
Talkative: Sure, if I have much to say.
Legal: Oh baby!
In love: Pfft...yeah...

Who do you want to...?
Kill: Nobody
Get High With: I'm really not into that ^_^;
Look Like: Uh...can I get back to you on that one?

In the Morning: I go to bed. Or not.
All I Need Is: Love.
Love is...: all I need. Ha, sorry, but really...I could go on and on...
I Dream About...: ?

Which is better?
Coke or Pepsi?: Coke
Flowers or Candy?: Flowers. If ever you somehow manage to get me mad at you, bring me flowers. Or some good chocolate, that works too. Hehe, as if, but bring me flowers and chocolate anyway ^_^
Tall or Short?: Uh...? Neither.

More random...
What do you notice first?: The soul, the heart, and then the eyes.
Last person you danced with?: Katie.
Who makes you laugh the most?: Katie.
Who makes you smile?: Katie.
Who do you have a crush on?: Are we noticing a theme here? Katie. Isn't a crush, though.
Who has a crush on you?: *sing-song voice* I'll never tell.

Do you ever...?
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you?: Yes...
Save Conversations?: Yes.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Only always. But it's a small part of my identity, and I'm hardly a "normal" person from the perspective of either gender, at least according to societal standards.
Wish you were younger?: Hehehe, well...uh, sorry, had to. :D But seriously, not really.
Cry because someone said something to you?: I have.

Of times I have had my heart broken: Oygh, I'm not even sure how to answer this...
Of hearts I have broken: None. At least, I hope.
Of guys I've kissed: One.
Of continents I have lived on: One.
Of tight friends: I don't keep a tally
Of CDSs I own: I'm really not sure.
Of scars on body: A few, especially on my knees (;_;)

Wow, does this make me look boring, or what? *broods* (psychic cookie if you get the reference there.)
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