Okay, this is a post of a very serious nature, contrary to what you've seen so far of mine. Most of my friends know I'm very politically and psychologically interested, and one of my biggest beliefs is that Bush is a terrible, terrible man. Now, I know most Americans (if any read my blog) tuned out, but I can tell you I have something you should see. Especially if you're pro-Bush.
If you don't want to read all I have to say, just scroll down until you find a link, ignore the Dutch yapper, and watch how your goverment changed their definition of torture to allow this. Don't watch if you have a weak stomach. And please, if you're pro-Bush, watch it, even if just to make a fellow human being on the other side of the world happy. The show is mostly in English, so c'mon, what's stopping you?
Let me kick off by explaining us Dutchies have a few networks (3, to be precise) which are government-owned. Thanks to that, most programs there are freely viewable in high-quality over the internet. One of our shows is "Netwerk", which translated means "Network". What they basically do is dive into news, find out details. And sometimes, they work together with other countries' stations to get footage. This footage was made in Britain, by British people. The goal was to simulate two days of the real treatment in Guantamamo Bay prison. They picked 9 volunteers, most of who say they are in favor of "all means necessary" to protect people from terrorism.
The narrator in Dutch tells a few things. First of all, the American government says the people in G.B. (Guantanamo Bay) are terrorists. So they do not fall under the Geneva Convention. Since that puts all international interference aside they, and this is fact people, not some anti-Bush bullshit, changed their legal definition of torture. Watch the show to get the exact new definition, as stated in the United States' legal books .
In addition to this, they have also released manuals to their prison guards (soldiers) on how to get people to talk.
As a last bit of information: The "guards" in the movie are real and experienced American soldiers, some of who have actually served in G.B. All that is shown is what happens there for real, and worse, since they could not actually kick and hit the volunteers.
Pardon the capitals:
The show "Netwerk" as broadcast Sunday, May 15th. Barely a week after Bush came to the Netherlands to remember the victims of WWII. Sorry for this post, people. I know not everyone appreciates this, but this is the kind of thing which has to be shown to the American people, and the world.