
Dec 20, 2010 15:04

[ these were meant to be individually locked, but are all public ]

I just want to thank everyone here for -- for bein more than I ever expected. I know that livin in Chiago can be hardd and I guess I'm kind of testamnet of that, but

i don't even KNOW what I'm trying to say here. Um. Thank you. Just. I never actually expected to have such good people in my life or to have a life at all, so it's been more than I ever wanted. Ive ade friends and learned what that even means. Just. Thank you. so mch.


i'm sorry it had to end this way. I wish -- I wish you were here. I'm just so scared. I thought i wouldn't be I thought I was ready, but I'm not. I need you and I love you.


I know your job is important and all, but I guess this isn't even going to get to you because you're in New York but if you are in town, if you could just spend a little time with me because I don't think -- I miss you. Daaddy, please.


Thank you so much for all you've done for me. I'm sorry I couldn't learn fast enough and that we couldn't spend more time together. You changed my life in so many ways.


---can you make the pain stop?

I'm sorry I wasn't a very good friend and now I'm asking this, but it hurts. Please.
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