[Multiple Locks]

Dec 27, 2009 16:34

[This post is not backdated. Tabitha thinks it is still Christmas.]

[Locked to Elizabeth]
merry chrismtas
--hope it was al you hoped for
<3 Tabitha

--thank you for the mug i cant wait to use it

[Locked to that one guy who taught her how to throw snowballs]
merry christmas
mr vader
--hope you hit lots of stogy old men with snow balls
(i hav a small prsent for you, if i ever see you again)
<3 young padawa

[Locked to the police officer who saved her]
merry chrimast
i dont know how to thank you
if you hadn't id on't know
i want to thank you
when i can go home
i dont know how? maybe diner?

i hope you areent alone for most of today. thats never fair. im sure someone like ou has a big family. big heart big family, right? big dinner. fireplace. ham. definitely ham. you wont have to work all of today? youll have time... for chrismas right?

[Locked to her dad]
im sorry i messed everthing up
i always do

illmake it up to you

[Locked to Tay]
hope you have a merry christmas
better than lagues
sorry bout always asking favors
but can you bring some of m stuff?



merry chrismtas
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