This is an odd bit of legal wrangling that I just came across: There's a blogger from England who is getting sued over a game (with ubiquitous ads you've seen before) from a Chinese businessman which is legally registered in the United States yet the case was filed in Sydney, Australia.
The blogger pieced together an investigation that links that game to MMO gold farming sites that scam people out of money without offering anything in return. Now the blogger is threatened with lawsuits in countries aren't where he's based or where his accuser is based either. (The blogger goes on to point out that the business wasn't even registered in Delaware until after they filed the suit in Sydney.)
Although this barratry isn't on the same level as the
Rio Tinto strongarming case or the
Katrina Leung case or even constant troubles between Georgia and Russia that cut off natural gas supplies throughout Europe, it has me wondering if we're getting distracted by the flashiness of terrorists from one side of the world, only to end up losing our momentum in a more subtle clash of cultures from the other?