All callous, no strange today a.k.a. *grumbling* @ the universe

May 26, 2010 10:37

Sorry, it's a whiny passive aggresive defeatist attitude day. Skip if so inclined.


1. I think I threw out my state tax refund. *headdeaskX1000* Bank statement says it was electronically deposited. I don't REMEMBER setting that up, considering I had the fed. check mailed, but *PHEW*

2. I bought my kitchen April 30th. It's being delivered Friday. Have not heard ANY good things about the delivery company. *sigh* preparing for the worst.

3. I need to clean before delivery. I may not be lying when I say I think a Haz-Mat suit may be required. *sigh* Why is the bathroom the worst place to clean?

4. I will not be installing kitchen for probably another month as I have YET to rip out the old cabinets, get rid of the old appliances, tear up the old floor tile and put down new tile. P.S. That takes $$ which I do not have because I stupidly lost item #1 on list. :os But when I do, the first thing I will cook is an Amy's frozen pizza... Don't laugh!! :oP I'm not going to order a pizza for delivery for just me! and it's been aaaaaaaaages. Mmmm. Pizza. OMG!! HOT FOOD!!!

5. Boys are stupid. Dan is the epitome of mixed signals. I officially gave up. I no longer will even think of trying. Went to Shelly's to watch LOST on Sunday (btw, "Meh") and probably left @ 11:15. He was parked behind me and instead of just saying g'night and leaving, he started to talk about WORK for the next HOUR+!!!! The street lights went out!! I tried to change the subject but....*sigh* I really think it's going to take a SPECIAL girl to get his head out of his ass. I got home after 1am, looked at the clock, went "WTF, REALLY?!?" in my head and no longer cared.

I said boySSS so, yes, that is plural. My friend Mae is/was trying to set me up with this guy from her work. She thinks we have the same personality and hey, we both like our cereal dry! ;o) I'll ignore the fact that everything she's told me about him is the opposite of me. (ie: Athletic, very family oriented and a couple of other things) I emailed him a short and casual/light e- as an introduction and he responded with 2 sentences! Ok. I know. It was a 1st e- and we don't know eachother and girls use (or just me) 5 words for every 1 word a guy will use and was willing to wait a couple of more e-s, but (I REALIZE I'M BEING A TOTAL IDIOT REACTING THE WAY GUYS HATE BUT I CAN'T HELP IT) < whine > I sent him an e- on Saturday and I still haven't heard back. < / whine> I don't even know the guy, or care--but E ME BACK ALREADY!!! *sigh*

Oh, and I've FINALLY, finally have officially decided to ask the UPS driver his name. However, the Fates are against me and I've not seen him for aaaaaaaages. Maybe I'm not meant to know? What if it's Al? <---name does not belong on a young so-f-ing-hot guy or Steve?<----had an epiphany a few years ago, where I do not end up liking anyone with the name "Steve". I imagine names like Brendan or Kyle or even Mike, Chris, John.--oddest that's popped in my head? Xavier. He hopefully won't be offended it's been over 4 years and I don't know his name and doesn't get all defensive like: "why do you want to know?" because my answer will most likely be to turn 9,000 shades of red and say "because" while in my head I'm saying very bad things.

6. Was talking to aforementioned Mae last night and didn't realize I was missing GLEE until after it had already started and it's not up on HULU yet. *sad face* I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE GLEE AND THIS EP AND THANK YOU HULU I ALMOST CRIED A FEW TIMES BUT I LACK THAT CRY AT TV/MOVIE GENE AND OMG I LOVE THIS GLEE!!!

7.I still want to go on vacation somewhere and get the hell out of work--OH! BTW applied for Team Leader for Cash Office--Didn't get it. Not a big suprise. But was told I shouldn't apply for the other spot that just opened up (Inventory Specialist) because it would look like I don't have a focus in the store and that it's a hair-pulling-out-job. WTF?! REALLY?! SO I SHOULD JUST STAY WHERE I AM AND DO ALL THAT DAMN WORK WITHOUT ANY OF THE PAY WHILE MY MANAGER WORKS M-F 8-4:30 ON REMODEL 23.7 BECAUSE WE STILL DIDN'T GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST 23 TIMES?!?!?

7a. I couldn't get time off if I was sleeping with my Mgr. One guy gets weekends off b/c he is a wedding photographer. One woman never works Wednesdays or Sundays. One guy will work Saturday but it's only 10-2 and the store doesn't even open until 10:30. Another guy only works 5-9 and never on Wednesdays. Mgr is hardly EVER out on the floor because of "training" or "doing schedules" or "meetings" Everyone's written in the dept. book for time off THROUGH DECEMBER and August/September is blackout time and I'm freaking out because it looks like the next time I can get a chunk of time off is FUCKING OCTOBER!!!! I wrote in for 3 weeks and was told I can't take that much time. I WANTED TO SCREAM FUCK YOU!!! but I didn't. I just got snippy and said that my last time I took off was October of LAST YEAR and everyone else is taking 1 to 2 weeks off every other month and they're only PART TIME. He said "We'll see". AAARRRRGHHHH. If I didn't need the money I would've quit MONTHS ago. I'm at "mental breakdown" point. Thinking I should've quit when Kelly, Gretchen, and James did. Jess left 6 months later never to be heard from again. The place is a black hole. :o( I can't believe it's been 3? years in October.

8. Everyone's talking about the "gorgeous" weather. Dude. It's fucking 90 degrees farenheit. I start melting @ 78degrees! I get sun burned in the car on a 20 minute drive to work! I need to move north.

9. They cancelled Heroes. Fuck You. That really had potential in the next season.

10.Let's leave on a positive note: My heart is fine. I'm doing a cancer walk with friends in memory of a friends mom in June. I have a roof over my head and I can keep it as messy or clean as I want. I have a job. I have good friends that listen to me whine, sympathize, and then move on to the next subject. I'm going to a wedding shower in June and have a dress to wear. Having a reason to dress up and feel pretty for once is nice. I WILL BE ABLE TO BAKE COOKIES AND CAKES IN A MONTH. Glee makes me wish I could sing. JESSE'S GIRL!!!! DREAM ON!!! I DREAMED A DREAM!! ON MY OWN!!! (btw, I've had the Les Miserables sndtrk in my head since last Tuesday)
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