(no subject)

Dec 31, 2004 10:39

One of my favorite websites is www.nothingnice.com. It is a punk website ( I'm not into the whole punk scene ) but neither is the guy who does it. He draws comics and writes equally amusing rants to go with them. I just thought I'd share a few with you. Cause they're awesome

WARNING, some of them, don't actually have to do with punks..but most do. And they're great.

I'm sure you've all heard about how the whole nation is in an uproar because some jackass put his neighbors cat on a grill, where it cooked for several hours without dying before its owner discovered it and was forced to put it to sleep. While I agree that that is way sick and messed up, I can't help but think about how closely that resembles how one cooks a lobster. You know, boiling it alive. Why don't we consider that cruel? Or in the McDonal's slaughter houses where they gut and skin the cows alive bacause it keeps the meat fresher? What's humane about that? These fairweather politics really get to me some times, you know? The kids sitting around playing their Sony Playstation and drinking their Coca-Cola while talking about how badass they are because they shoplift from Barnes and Noble, who are corporate and evil. Sitting in Taco Bell and having a conversation about how McDonald's is an evil conglomerate and we should boycott them. People are idiots, you know? Anyway, this isn't what I wanted to talk about today.
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