hey I found this and wrote it in 2004 I like it!

Jun 20, 2008 19:25


Ok right now I am frustrated. Let me tell you the story. I was woken up this morning by a phone call. It was my Grandma saying that she was freezing that there was no heat. She wanted to know if my mom could come down on her lunch break and fix it. I thought she's freezing now and I don't want my mom to waste her lunch break so I went. Come to find out the digital heater needed batteries, after getting the batteries the heat was fixed. Any way the frustrating part. I want my gram to go to my graduation, she won't go because she said there are too many things against her going. I said yeah but here's how you fix all that stuff. She still said she couldn't, I hate when people say can't.

Can't is a word that is a double edged sword for me, I understand that can't is very powerful to some people. For example I can't move the fridge, ok the weight of the fridge is a limiting factor against a person's own physical body. Another I can't is the, I can't go outside at night I'm scared of the dark. This form of can't is something that comes from the mind. A person can choose the I can't or the I can.

It starts out all in the mind with everything that you choose. You choose to be mad, you choose to be sad, you choose to see the cup as half empty, you choose to look at your limitations, you choose to diet, you choose to excercise. The thing people need to relise is everything is a choice. Once this principle is laid down then the work can being. If someone makes you upset, you can choose to get angry or you can choose to forget about what they did.

I just want people to take more responsibility for their emotions. If you have a will to do something you are the only one that is stopping it from happening. Where there is a will there is a way. I have found that I am a long way from controlling the emotions, that for so long, have controlled me. I thank Jesus for giving me strength, and the knowledge to come to this understanding.
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