Dec 25, 2007 08:10
Why is it that all over the place you see signs that say Merry X-mas or Happy holidays? It's becoming rarer and rarer to see Merry Christmas or Merry CHRISTmas. Even though by most accounts Jesus was not born in the winter, or that December 25th was chosen as the day in order to deter a pagan holiday. I believe by enlarge it use to be a day which honored the birth of the world's savior. yeah the world, we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Yes we all need a savior, even Mother Theresa. You can see the progression of Christmas is changing complete focus from Christ to family to things. You can guarantee that after everyone has gotten all their things, and spent all their time with their families, they'll still be left wanting on December 26th. I hope today that you will all have the best Christmas ever. The best being that you remember that a little baby was born and was destined to pay a price that he did not deserve to pay. Jesus was born, so that he may die for you and for me.
Merry Christmas :)