
May 20, 2008 15:16

I would be surprised if anyone reads this within a week from now. If you still keep tabs of this journal, wow. I am working on my MFA thesis, part of which I'm looking at old LJ posts from 2002 which denote what my aesthetic was as a 19-year-old.* It's funny because everyone's thesis has a confessional element. Somebody from CalArts is using people he dated. I'm resorting to old entrees. It seems somewhat counterintuitive to write about the past and this venture will be somewhat clandestine until the thesis is published. I am glad you reached this journal but I am sympathetic to you too because I am not consistent. I might be gone for another three years. I am pursuing a second master's degree. Could you believe:*

Control (2002)

    enchanting hatred! & screams
                    const e l lationter ror

7   7        CONTROL!and grieving fear
  blithe overtaken bybli ndp ride--fear

`   ``          foresaw

Would come to anything? I did at the time and abandoned that until now. I'll be reworking these. I think anything apart from objective or the future might seem somewhat confessional and self-indulgent. I don't want to be Anne Sexton.

confessional, old poetry, anne sexton, grad school, mfa, thesis

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