aguaji pediculous

Jan 07, 2003 05:03


rechargi## bat#er###

programmed orgasm we're naïve 
if we actually believe they will last.

swollen ## the# limit with the supreme anguish,
louder than war turbulent tearstripped land

abolished the deep traced yearning

behold come,the slow death of all that
 lives in the placidveil eyes, 
the world forgotten,
For this moment brings
a steady pulse, 
+how the flood surmounts

Subdue the 
mortal trembling suspend its 
eternal beats
of two fluttering hands, the pain is already
 above all, your hands 
to your breast.

Take care See, 
see how your 
slowly, arms crossed, 
eyes glazed also to the sea. 
the infinite tendernesswrenched 
march of the final smile,invading the sleeping ships.waters 
swelling deaf murmur Come and see
 the mute shuddering bellslike arrows 
toprayers.flying wreckage of altars.
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