Oct 10, 2006 20:07

Prepaid group healthcare begins, seen as radical.

During the 2nd World War, wage and price controls are placed on American employers. To compete for workers, companies begin to offer health benefits, giving rise to the employer-based system in place today.

President Roosevelt asks Congress for "economic bill of rights," including right to adequate medical care.
Formation of USDA     

  • In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln founded the U.S. Department of Agriculture. At the time it did not have Cabinet status.

  • President Lincoln appoints a chemist, Charles M. Wetherill, to lead the Bureau of Chemistry, the true predecessor of the Food and Drug Administration.

The FSLIC does snot exist anymore. It was created in 1934, the Great Depression occured from 1929 to the early 1940's. Cause by the imbalance of produced good to earned wages, people bought to much and  put themselves into debt. The FDIC was started in 1933 by Congress and President Roosevelt.

The first "workmen's" compensation law passed in the United States was the Federal Employer's Liability act. Covering certain Federal Government employees engaged in hazardous occupational duties as well as employees of common carriers engaged in interstate and foreign commerce. It was adopted in 1908 at the urging of President Theodore Roosevelt. He pointed out to congress that "the burden of an accident fell upon the helpless man, his wife and children" and that this was "an outrage". So it was that the Federal Government took the lead in providing workers with protection in the event of on the job injuries in the United States.

On June 8, 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in a message to the Congress, announced his intention to provide a program for Social Security. Subsequently, the President created by Executive Order the Committee on Economic Security, which was composed of five top cabinet-level officials. The committee was instructed to study the entire problem of economic insecurity and to make recommendations that would serve as the basis for legislative consideration by the Congress.


The Roosevelt Administration believed that if private enterprise could not supply electric power to the people, then it was the duty of the government to do so. Most of the court cases involving TVA during the 1930s concerned the government's involvement in the public utilities industry.
In 1935 the Rural Electric Administration (REA) was created to bring electricity to rural areas like the Tennessee Valley.




The Farmers Home Administration Act (FHAA) of 1946 grew out of the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, the Great Depression, and the Resettlement Act of 1935. Government was beginning to take a greater hand than it ever had in the life of the farmer. This involvement included price controls, surplus destruction, and farm loans. The Farmers' Home Administration (FHA) became part of what is known as the Farm Credit System.
The FHA was preceded by the Farm Security Administration (1937), which built cooperative structures where tenant farmers could work in a communal setting. The FHA differed from the former agency in that it concentrated on helping individual farmers acquire their own farms, just as the Federal Housing Authority helped people own their own homes.

Need I continue?????
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