Today is the Ferris's 26th birthday. It would be really nice to be with him right now, but he's been working 16+ hour days for the past 2 weeks and it's not going to stop any time soon. Even though I feel like the worst girlfriend ever for not being with him on his birthday, he was so irritable on the phone today that I'm glad I didn't go up there. I asked him how I could make it up to him (short of sexual favors because performing favors on demand makes me feel like a prostitute and like I'm only there for his pleasure rather than as an equal in a relationship) and he said he'll get back to me. Oh well. He's going to dinner at his mom's tomorrow (I refuse to go) so we're going to get together on Sunday. Have I mentioned that Ferris and I live 1 1/2 hours away from each other? I don't think I have.
I really didn't realize that I had that much dirty laundry at my parent's house. I made the decision to move into Ferris's after Father's Day (his dad is coming up from Florida on Thursday and I don't want to impede on their time). I've only moved out for an extended period of time once - when I interned in Florida 3 years ago and I forgot how much work it is to get all my stuff together. I shouldn't be stressing out about this, but I am.
I've spent the last few days checking out my graduate school options. I made a spreadsheet in excel and I've been filling it in with places that i wouldn't mind going. Hopefully, I'll come up with 24 options and from those 24, I'll narrow it down to 5-10 to apply to. I have so many criteria that are important to me in a graduate school. I just have to come up with a nifty mathematical formula to score the schools on and decide which ones are good for me to apply to. This'll be a good way for me to focus on doing better in school and making my graduate school dreams come true. I'll need to pull down a 4.0 all next year in order for my GPA to improve to where I can be competitive...let's see what happens. I also have to start preparing for the GRE and the GRE subject test so I can register and take them soon. I haven't taken a standardized exam in over 7 years and that didn't go so well. I know I shouldn't put so much pressure on myself, but I can't baby myself either. I need to do well and that's that.